Tuesday, October 7, 2008

24/7 Wear...Perfect for the Morning Mom Marathon

Today I did the every-Tuesday twice-to-school dash ...part of the morning Mom marathon I participate in daily...warming up each a.m. by running around the kitchen prepping breakfast, making lunches, rousing kids, delivering coffee to husband, tossing laundry, sweeping floor, feeding dog, pottying dog, picking up newspapers from the front lawn I never get to read. You know the drill. All in prep for the mad dash up the hill to our within-walking-distance elementary school. Tuesdays get a twist.... I have to dash the three blocks up the hill to school twice...once to get my son to the 8:15 bus that takes him and four other friends cross town GT...then again at 8:30 to get my daughter to her class. Yes, they could walk themselves, but I am part of that passel of paranoid parents who succumbs to safety in numbers. With me as one of the numbers. Anyhow, Maureen, as I was literally RUNNING back down the hill, I thought about how great 24/7 wear is ... you know, that outfit that you put on at night to sleep in and with minimal accessorizing, wear the next day... Today I had on the cami and leggings I slept in accessorized with a PEACE,LOVE, MOM tee shirt, which was cute, and sneakers. Works. When it gets colder, add Ugg boots (who cares if the stars aren't wearing them anymore?!) and a snazzy, butt-covering sweatshirt of some type. Throw on some lipstick and sunglasses and ta-da, mommy chic. Well, chic enough for the GT bus driver and the first grade teacher....and running off to Costco and the bank, which is where I am heading next. xo Julie

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